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Recent blog posts:

Baikonur tour – Soyuz MS-25 launch

Baikonur tour – Soyuz MS-25 launch

76 photos

We invite you to see the photo report about our trip to Baikonur in March 2024.

Baikonur tour – Progress MS-26 launch

Baikonur tour – Progress MS-26 launch

72 photos

We invite you to see the photo report about our trip to Baikonur in February 2024.


Baikonur tour – Progress MS-23 launch

20 photos

We invite you to see the photo report about our trip to Baikonur in May 2023.


Autumn flight season

40 photos

Summer is over, but there is no reason to be sad, because autumn is a time of new ideas, big plans and interesting adventures!

Zero-g adventure

Zero-g adventure

20 photos

A hot day at the end of summer brought together in Star City the fans of incredible adventures who chose the most unique experience –zero-g flight. This is a feeling like nothing else, this is a real weightlessness, which is experienced only by astronauts on the ISS and passengers of our special aircraft IL-76 MDK!

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Supersonic flights on MIG-29 fighter jet

Russian space news

Blog about Russian space program

VK Vegitel Aerospace Tours:

Baikonur tour, Soyuz TMA-14M launch

Our new tour to Baikonur came to an end. This time the crew of Soyuz TMA-14M spacecraft crew included apart from Alexander Samokutyayev (Roscosmos) and Barry Wilmore (NASA) Russian woman-cosmonaut Elena Serova. It is the first time over a long period Russian woman goes to space.

Bright emotions, new impressions, participation in interesting prelaunch events, visiting historical sights all these couldn’t leave our guests indifferent.

There are lots of things to be excited about indeed! Our guests saw roll-out and installation of the rocket, took part in official press-conference of the main and back-up crew, enjoyed special atmosphere at the cosmonauts alley where cosmonauts plant trees before their first spaceflight, had traditional fun in Kazakh yurt, witnessed crews’ official report to the State Commission, saw lots of unique space museums exhibits and impressive city monuments, and what is most important, watched the incredible night launch of Soyuz spacecraft!

Soyuz TMA-14M with Alexander Samokutyayev, Elena Serova and Barry Wilmore was successfully orbited and docked with the ISS.

And our tourists from Germany, Great Britain and Russia got a great deal of unforgettable impressions, cool photos, memorable souvenirs and made friends with wonderful interesting people.

Have a look at our photo report and join our next tour to Baikonur spaceport!

Read more:

Baikonur tour – Soyuz MS-25 launch

Baikonur tour – Soyuz MS-25 launch

76 photos

We invite you to see the photo report about our trip to Baikonur in March 2024.

Baikonur tour – Progress MS-26 launch

Baikonur tour – Progress MS-26 launch

72 photos

We invite you to see the photo report about our trip to Baikonur in February 2024.

Baikonur tour – Progress MS-23 launch

20 photos

We invite you to see the photo report about our trip to Baikonur in May 2023.

Autumn flight season

40 photos

Summer is over, but there is no reason to be sad, because autumn is a time of new ideas, big plans and interesting adventures!

Zero-g adventure

Zero-g adventure

20 photos

A hot day at the end of summer brought together in Star City the fans of incredible adventures who chose the most unique experience –zero-g flight. This is a feeling like nothing else, this is a real weightlessness, which is experienced only by astronauts on the ISS and passengers of our special aircraft IL-76 MDK!