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Recent blog posts:

Baikonur tour – Soyuz MS-25 launch

Baikonur tour – Soyuz MS-25 launch

76 photos

We invite you to see the photo report about our trip to Baikonur in March 2024.

Baikonur tour – Progress MS-26 launch

Baikonur tour – Progress MS-26 launch

72 photos

We invite you to see the photo report about our trip to Baikonur in February 2024.


Baikonur tour – Progress MS-23 launch

20 photos

We invite you to see the photo report about our trip to Baikonur in May 2023.


Autumn flight season

40 photos

Summer is over, but there is no reason to be sad, because autumn is a time of new ideas, big plans and interesting adventures!

Zero-g adventure

Zero-g adventure

20 photos

A hot day at the end of summer brought together in Star City the fans of incredible adventures who chose the most unique experience –zero-g flight. This is a feeling like nothing else, this is a real weightlessness, which is experienced only by astronauts on the ISS and passengers of our special aircraft IL-76 MDK!

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Our projects:


Supersonic flights on MIG-29 fighter jet

Russian space news

Blog about Russian space program

VK Vegitel Aerospace Tours:

Space – for adults and kids!

Many times our company participated in organization of filming for various TV projects related to aerospace branch. This time in cooperation with Incredible Adventures we organized a wide filming program for Australian educational TV project Big Questions.

Being in Star city for a week our guests had chance not only to familiarize with technical facilities of the Cosmonaut Training Center and history of manned space explorations, but also to go through some stages of real training for the space flight. Ride on the centrifuge TsF-18, vestibular training, practical classes with “Sokol” pressure suit, training on the “Space food” cooking – all these things became not just footage for the future project, but a great adventure for its’ participants as well.

The closing part of this journey was simulation of the spacewalk using “Orlan” EVA suit in Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory, which is considered to be the inalienable part of cosmonauts training for their activities in outer space. Being the most complicated sort of space operations, it requires a really good physical shape and a full devotion to the work.

The particular interest was demonstrated by our young participant – the co-presenter of the project. The junior fan of cosmonautics showed his unchildish proficiency playing with space equipment and conquered experienced instructors with his outstanding trainability.

Hopefully our efforts on preparation and implementation of this program will make some contribution in popularization of Russian space program, and also make the space itself just a little bit more interesting for the growing generation. See you on the space routes!

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Baikonur tour – Soyuz MS-25 launch

Baikonur tour – Soyuz MS-25 launch

76 photos

We invite you to see the photo report about our trip to Baikonur in March 2024.

Baikonur tour – Progress MS-26 launch

Baikonur tour – Progress MS-26 launch

72 photos

We invite you to see the photo report about our trip to Baikonur in February 2024.

Baikonur tour – Progress MS-23 launch

20 photos

We invite you to see the photo report about our trip to Baikonur in May 2023.

Autumn flight season

40 photos

Summer is over, but there is no reason to be sad, because autumn is a time of new ideas, big plans and interesting adventures!

Zero-g adventure

Zero-g adventure

20 photos

A hot day at the end of summer brought together in Star City the fans of incredible adventures who chose the most unique experience –zero-g flight. This is a feeling like nothing else, this is a real weightlessness, which is experienced only by astronauts on the ISS and passengers of our special aircraft IL-76 MDK!