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Recent blog posts:

Baikonur tour – Soyuz MS-25 launch

Baikonur tour – Soyuz MS-25 launch

76 photos

We invite you to see the photo report about our trip to Baikonur in March 2024.

Baikonur tour – Progress MS-26 launch

Baikonur tour – Progress MS-26 launch

72 photos

We invite you to see the photo report about our trip to Baikonur in February 2024.


Baikonur tour – Progress MS-23 launch

20 photos

We invite you to see the photo report about our trip to Baikonur in May 2023.


Autumn flight season

40 photos

Summer is over, but there is no reason to be sad, because autumn is a time of new ideas, big plans and interesting adventures!

Zero-g adventure

Zero-g adventure

20 photos

A hot day at the end of summer brought together in Star City the fans of incredible adventures who chose the most unique experience –zero-g flight. This is a feeling like nothing else, this is a real weightlessness, which is experienced only by astronauts on the ISS and passengers of our special aircraft IL-76 MDK!

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Supersonic flights on MIG-29 fighter jet

Russian space news

Blog about Russian space program

VK Vegitel Aerospace Tours:

Tourist program in Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Centre

Space Training Program for our Guests from Canada

We are always glad to welcome new friends! In October we greeted a wonderful family from Canada – a young space fan with his parents decided to dedicate first trip to Russia to space-related topic.

First they visited Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Centre – a legendary facility in Star City which is of great importance for world cosmonautics even now since all Russian and foreign cosmonauts and astronauts pass trainings there before their spaceflight.

The schedule was very busy. The whole day our guests spent studying Soyuz spacecraft design and layout, visiting Mir space station and ISS Russian segment halls and even studying the modules from the inside. Michael tried on Sokol rescue spacesuit learned how to seal it and control its systems and passed a training on Soyuz spacecraft simulator wearing the spacesuit just like a real cosmonaut. Together with GCTC instructor he practiced some basic operations like manual rendezvous and docking and learned what to do in case of off-nominal situations such like fire etc .

After such challenge it was high time to have a lunch break and our gusts learned to cook space food and tasted it.
The next training scheduled was a Centrifuge TsF-7 ride. Michael could easily stand g-load of 3,5g and showed amazingly good results passing vestibular training that GCTC medical specialists said he’d make a perfect astronaut.

We finished our busy day visiting Star City Museum of Cosmonautics where our guests could see Yuri Gagarin’s study, his personal belongings and lots of other historical exhibits.

Next day we visited Mission Control centre located in Korolyov city, Moscow region. Our gusts visited the main Flight Control Room and could watch online MCC specialists accomplishing ISS flight control operations, learned a lot about the station, its history and up-to-date state of affairs and experiments onboard as well as about MCC structure.

Leaving our gusts said that this was the most unique and unforgettable adventure in their life and they would definitely come again to experience everything they had no time for during this tour. And we will be happy to see them again!

Read more:

Baikonur tour – Soyuz MS-25 launch

Baikonur tour – Soyuz MS-25 launch

76 photos

We invite you to see the photo report about our trip to Baikonur in March 2024.

Baikonur tour – Progress MS-26 launch

Baikonur tour – Progress MS-26 launch

72 photos

We invite you to see the photo report about our trip to Baikonur in February 2024.

Baikonur tour – Progress MS-23 launch

20 photos

We invite you to see the photo report about our trip to Baikonur in May 2023.

Autumn flight season

40 photos

Summer is over, but there is no reason to be sad, because autumn is a time of new ideas, big plans and interesting adventures!

Zero-g adventure

Zero-g adventure

20 photos

A hot day at the end of summer brought together in Star City the fans of incredible adventures who chose the most unique experience –zero-g flight. This is a feeling like nothing else, this is a real weightlessness, which is experienced only by astronauts on the ISS and passengers of our special aircraft IL-76 MDK!