JAXA astronaut (Japan)
No space flight experience
DATE AND PLACE OF BORN: December 22, 1975, in Tokyo (Japan).
MARITAL STATUS: Married with two kids.
Received a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Aeronautical and Space Engineering from the University of Tokyo in March of 1998.
April 1998 — joined the All Nippon Airways (ANA) airline;
June 2003-March 2009 — promoted to co-pilot on Boeing 767 airplanes and flew both domestic and international routes;
March 2009 — selected by the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) as one of the Japanese astronaut candidates for the ISS;
April-July 2009 — attended the ISS Astronaut Basic Training program at JAXA;
August 2009 — began the two-year Astronaut Candidate Training program at NASA that included scientific and technical briefings, intensive instruction in ISS systems, Extravehicular Activity, robotics, physiological training, T-38 flight training, and water and wilderness survival training. After completing the basic program, he was conferred with astronaut qualification in July 2011;
October 2011 — completed the “extreme conditions survival course” as part of NASA’s NEEMO 15 undersea exploration mission off the coast of Florida;
February 2014-December 2015 — received training as part of the ISS Expedition 47-47 backup crew as flight engineer of Soyuz TMA-19M manned transport vehicle and ISS 46-47 flight engineer;
December 2015 — made a part of the ISS Expedition 48-49 crew as the flight engineer of Soyuz-MS manned transport vehicle and ISS 48-49 expedition.
PERSONAL INTERESTS: music, cinema, musicals, and travel.