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Recent blog posts:

Baikonur tour – Soyuz MS-25 launch

Baikonur tour – Soyuz MS-25 launch

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We invite you to see the photo report about our trip to Baikonur in March 2024.

Baikonur tour – Progress MS-26 launch

Baikonur tour – Progress MS-26 launch

72 photos

We invite you to see the photo report about our trip to Baikonur in February 2024.


Baikonur tour – Progress MS-23 launch

20 photos

We invite you to see the photo report about our trip to Baikonur in May 2023.


Autumn flight season

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Summer is over, but there is no reason to be sad, because autumn is a time of new ideas, big plans and interesting adventures!

Zero-g adventure

Zero-g adventure

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A hot day at the end of summer brought together in Star City the fans of incredible adventures who chose the most unique experience –zero-g flight. This is a feeling like nothing else, this is a real weightlessness, which is experienced only by astronauts on the ISS and passengers of our special aircraft IL-76 MDK!

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Supersonic flights on MIG-29 fighter jet

Russian space news

Blog about Russian space program

VK Vegitel Aerospace Tours:


"A Beautiful Planet" - cosmonaut training centre tour

“A Beautiful Planet” – cosmonaut training centre tour

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Early September Toni Myers’ "A Beautiful Planet" will be released in Russia. The Director made an attempt to picture a portrait of Earth from space, providing a unique perspective and increased understanding of our planet showing how it is living and changing along with the humanity. On July 26, 2016, mass media representatives going to cover "A Beautiful Planet" release visited Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Centre in Star City, a legendary place where history meets the future.

Space Mission Accomplished

Space Mission Accomplished

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Following 5-day Baikonur program our guest from US visited Star City having extended tour in GCTC.

Baikonur tour - Soyuz MS-01 launch

Baikonur tour – Soyuz MS-01 launch

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Once again we saw off international crew to space. On July 07, at 04.36, Moscow time, Roscosmos cosmonaut Anatoly Ivanishin, NASA astronaut Kathleen Rubins and JAXA astronaut Takuya Onishi went to the ISS onboard new Russian Soyuz MS-01 spacecraft. As if in accordance with Soyuz crew we had three large groups: guests from Japan, US and Russia came to support their astronauts.

 First-Woman-in-Space Flight Anniversary

First-Woman-in-Space Flight Anniversary

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The whole world celebrates Cosmonautics Day on April 12, but a few know what a significant date June 16 is for the history of space exploration. On June 16, 1963, the first woman-cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova performed her spaceflight onboard Vostok-6 spacecraft.

A journey of more than six thousand miles to Star City

A journey of more than six thousand miles to Star City

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We rapidly expand our tourism geography and this time a couple from sunny Mexico challenged themselves passing space trainings in GCTC. Our guests took part in Egress-2 simulator training in Orlan EVA spacesuits and in Soyuz spacecraft integrated simulator training. Then they attended the briefing with Russian cosmonaut Sergey Volkov.

October Zero-G flight — group admission started!

October Zero-G flight — group admission started!

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We have just set the date of next zero-g flight - October, 4th, 2016. Group admission started!

May Zero-g Flight

May Zero-g Flight

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On May 12 Vegitel arranged zero-gravity flight. This time it was not a mixed group flight uniting space and aviation fans and extreme lovers all over the world. A team of friends booked the full charter to challenge themselves and just have fun in zero-g.

Zero-G flight on April 26

Zero-G flight on April 26

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On April 26 we performed zero-gravity flight onboard Ilyushin-76 MDK. After passing all necessary preparations on GCTC premises a team of extreme adventure fans from Germany, Switzerland and Russia got almost 5 minutes of real space zero-gravity, unforgettable impressions and bright emotions.

Zero-gravity – on!

Zero-gravity – on!

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On March, 25 we opened new zero-g flights season. Just look at these happy faces! Perhaps it is you to challenge the gravity next?

Baikonur Spaceport Tour: Soyuz TMA-20 Launch

Baikonur Spaceport Tour: Soyuz TMA-20 Launch

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Soyuz TMA-20M crew made up of Roscosmos cosmonauts Alexei Ovchinin and Oleg Skripochka and NASA astronaut Jeffrey Williams successfully went to the ISS at night from March 18 to March 19. According to our tradition together with a group of space fans we saw the crew off to space and visited all pre-launch events at Baikonur.

Family Space Tour

Family Space Tour

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Early February a family from New Zealand came to Russia for space tour. Mother and son performed Edge of space flight onboard MiG-29 jet fighter and after that went to Star City.

Per aspera ad astra: conquering space heights through the storm

Per aspera ad astra: conquering space heights through the storm

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In 2016 the Cosmonautics has a great jubilee. 55 years ago humanity took the first step to space exploration when Yuri Gagarin performed manned spaceflight for the first time in the history of mankind. People of various occupations and nationalities show growing interest to this field conquering Edge of space onboard MiG-29 jet fighter and passing real space trainings in GCTC.

Baikonur spaceport - Soyuz TMA-19M lauch tour

Baikonur spaceport – Soyuz TMA-19M lauch tour

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On December 15 we saw off to space Soyuz TMA-19M spacecraft crew comprising Roscosmos cosmonaut Yuri Malenchenko, NASA astronaut Timothy Kopra and ESA astronaut Timothy Peake.

Extreme landing

Extreme landing

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On December 9 to 13 we organized our extreme expedition to the landing site of Soyuz TMA-17M. Together with ordinary fans of space exploration and space explorers journalist of Japanese mass media took part in this journey.

Zero-Gravity for Super Team

Zero-Gravity for Super Team

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On Friday, November 13, a marvelous team gathered onboard our Ilyushin: 12 superheroes decided to experience weightlessness. Batman, Superman, Thor, Ironman and many others as if made up their mind to feel like Russian cosmonauts training for their spaceflight.

Unbelievable Adventures of the Japanese in Russia

Unbelievable Adventures of the Japanese in Russia

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Two young space and aviation fans from Japan came to Russia for unbelievable space experience. In the framework of their tour program the guests visited Gagarin cosmonauts training Centre in Star city where they passed unique space trainings and performed Edge of Space flights onboard legendary Russian MiG-29 jet fighter in Nizhny Novgorod.

The Adventures of Young Cosmonauts

The Adventures of Young Cosmonauts

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Such space adventure as birthday party in Gagarin Cosmonaut training Centre will be an unforgettable impression both for the birthday kid and his friends.

Guests from the New World

Guests from the New World

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On October, 19 Michael and Jillian, the two young guests from the USA had a personal tour to Star City. By the way, these guys came to Russia just for visiting GCTC!

October sky conquerors

October sky conquerors

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Again we are glad to share great news: due to our Company four more people succeeded in making their dream come try performing a flight onboard legendary Russian MiG-29 jet fighter. Among those were three Russian guys and one Swiss citizen. Naturally all our guests did things in a big way choosing the most impressive and interesting program – Edge of space flight while our unique Vegitel Multiangle technology of multiview video will enable them to return to those breathtaking moments over and over again.

Welcome Your Heroes Back, Planet Earth!

Welcome Your Heroes Back, Planet Earth!

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Soyuz TMA-16M landing is scheduled for September 12, 03.52, Moscow time. The spacecraft with Roscosmos cosmonaut Gennady Padalka, Danish astronaut Andreas Mogensen and Kazcosmos cosmonaut Aidyn Aimbetov onboard will land in the designated area 126 km to the south-east of Jezkazgan town. On the threshold of this remarkable event let’s travel the time back and remember our September landing tours we arranged and the crews we welcomed back on Earth.

The American Flies Onboard Legendary MiG-29 Jet Fighter

The American Flies Onboard Legendary MiG-29 Jet Fighter

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For more than 10 years we have been arranging jet fighter flights for aviation fans from all over the world. Recently another guest from USA has come to us to take a second pilot’s seat in MiG-29UB jet fighter cockpit. After hitting the lottery 65-years-old American Robert Tilley decided to make his long-standing dream come true and came to Russia to perform Edge of Space flight onboard legendary MiG-29 jet fighter. Watch the video about our flight by Russia Today TV.

Baikonur Spaceport Tour, Soyuz TMA-18M

Baikonur Spaceport Tour, Soyuz TMA-18M

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We are very glad to congratulate Soyuz TMA-18M crew made up of Sergey Volkov, Andreas Mogensen and Aidyn Aimbetov on successful launch and docking with the ISS and our tourists on fantastic Baikonur visiting tour they took part in. Our multinational group comprising guests from USA, the Netherlands, Germany, Japan and Russia enjoyed the breathtaking atmosphere of prelaunch preparations at Baikonur spaceport.

Join our Next Zero-Gravity Flight!

Join our Next Zero-Gravity Flight!

Don’t you know how to colour your autumn? We do! Off with boredom and autumn melancholy! Vegitel announces group admission for next zero-g mixed group flight onboard IL-76 MDK scheduled for November 10, 2015.

IL-76 at MAKS-2015

IL-76 at MAKS-2015

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Another magnificent Aviation and Space Show MAKS took place in Zhukovskiy near Moscow from August 25 to August 30, 2015. This time our awesome aircraft Ilyusha (IL-76 MDK) took place in the show and literally became one of the exhibition centers.

Haven’t been to Zero-G flight yet? Then we are coming for you.

Haven’t been to Zero-G flight yet? Then we are coming for you.

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On August, 25 we performed Zero-G flight for combined group of space fans: our guests came from Germany, Netherlands, Denmark, the USA, and Brazil, and almost half of the participants of this flight were Russians. Let this article be an inspiration, a guidance for action, a dare, take your chance to get great impressions and unforgettable experience.

Birthday is a New Records’ Day

Birthday is a New Records’ Day

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We are glad to announce new GCTC record: on their sixth birthday twins Zina and Zehen turned out to be the youngest and the smallest Sokol rescue spacesuit training participants.

Ahead to Past, Back to Future

Ahead to Past, Back to Future

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“Soyuz TMA-17M” with Oleg Kononenko, Kjell Lindgren and Kimiya Yui onboard has successfully docked to ISS. Our tourists came back from Baikonur full of fantastic impressions, unforgettable emotions and absolutely happy with this chance to witness such an outstanding event as rocket launch!

Newton Wouldn’t Comprehend: Zero-g Flight

Newton Wouldn’t Comprehend: Zero-g Flight

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Zero-gravity flight is a kind of adventure to remember for the whole life, an impression, an achievement. It is something you can be proud of and boast of. Even if it won’t make you a cosmonaut it will give you what you want: it will make you feel cool. Or at least you can be sure that your zero-g photos will blow social networks.

Ready for the space flight!

Ready for the space flight!

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This spring we got acquainted with a wonderful family of brave space and aviation fans. Profession of a cosmonaut is really a heroic one and demands passing long and difficult preparation training. It were Victor and Tamara who made up their mind to experience all the responsibility, unusual feelings and joy that successfully completed space mission brings.

Spanish Space Odyssey

Spanish Space Odyssey

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Our old friend from Spain Josu Feijoo came back to Star City again. He is a real Spanish hero proving by his own example that people with diabetes are able not only to live a full live but even to conquer Everest, fly onboard MiG-29 jet fighter, pass space trainings etc. This time Mr. Feijoo chose Centrifuge TsF-7 for his explorations, besides he wanted to perform the ride wearing Sokol spacesuit during the training.

Vegitel introducing MultiAngle video technology

Vegitel introducing MultiAngle video technology

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We proudly present Vegitel Multiangle, the unique product that has no parallel in the aerospace tourism market. The film about your flight is created with help of the high-end system of 6 synchronized action cameras, certified for filming at supersonic speed, in the stratosphere, in case of significant temperature changes and under high G-forces.

Baikonur tour - group admission started for September, 1st

Baikonur tour – group admission started for September, 1st

Right now you have a great chance to book the tour to Baikonur spaceport and watch the launch with your own eyes.

Everything You Wanted to Know about the Matter of Gravitation

Everything You Wanted to Know about the Matter of Gravitation

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In collaboration with Space Affairs Company we have arranged zero-g flight for a team of media artists from Mexico. Following the results of this project Russia and Mexico held a series of exhibitions in the framework of 125-years anniversary of Russian-Mexican diplomatic relationship.

Zero-Gravity: Summer Flight Group Admission Started

Zero-Gravity: Summer Flight Group Admission Started

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The next Zero-G flight is scheduled for June 25, 2015. Take your chance! Great impressions and unforgettable experience guaranteed!

Congratulations on Cosmonautics Day!

Congratulations on Cosmonautics Day!

On April, 12 we celebrate the Cosmonautics Day. On April, 12 the great history of space exploration began; and what is most important it was Russia (that time Soviet Union) to make the first step on that heroic way.

Zero-G Adventures for everyone

Zero-G Adventures for everyone

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On April 2, 2015, Vegitel made an amazing present to all space and aviation fans giving them a wonderful opportunity to experience zero-gravity.

Baikonur tour - Soyuz TMA-16M launch

Baikonur tour – Soyuz TMA-16M launch

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March 2015. We have arrived at Baikonur to see off Soyuz TMA-16M spacecraft crew comprising Roscosmos cosmonauts Gennady Padalka and Mikhail Korniyenko and NASA astronaut Scott Kelly off to space. We have 5 long days of space adventures ahead...

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