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Recent blog posts:

Baikonur tour – Soyuz MS-25 launch

Baikonur tour – Soyuz MS-25 launch

76 photos

We invite you to see the photo report about our trip to Baikonur in March 2024.

Baikonur tour – Progress MS-26 launch

Baikonur tour – Progress MS-26 launch

72 photos

We invite you to see the photo report about our trip to Baikonur in February 2024.


Baikonur tour – Progress MS-23 launch

20 photos

We invite you to see the photo report about our trip to Baikonur in May 2023.


Autumn flight season

40 photos

Summer is over, but there is no reason to be sad, because autumn is a time of new ideas, big plans and interesting adventures!

Zero-g adventure

Zero-g adventure

20 photos

A hot day at the end of summer brought together in Star City the fans of incredible adventures who chose the most unique experience –zero-g flight. This is a feeling like nothing else, this is a real weightlessness, which is experienced only by astronauts on the ISS and passengers of our special aircraft IL-76 MDK!

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Supersonic flights on MIG-29 fighter jet

Russian space news

Blog about Russian space program

VK Vegitel Aerospace Tours:

Space Corporate Event for VTB24

Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Centre is a wonderful, interesting and what is the most important unusual place for corporate events! Our guests from VTB24 bank proved that spending an unforgettable day in Star City.

Five crews symbolizing the major values of VTB bank passed real space trainings and at the every stage the crews got marks for their teamwork abilities, energy and creativity. So what did our cosmonaut candidates learn in GCTC?

Sure, theoretical basis is of vital importance. The crews learned a lot of interesting facts about space exploration history, cosmonauts and their preparation trainings and saw space simulators similar to real spacecrafts and orbital stations. After that they successfully answered all special space quiz questions.

Without any doubts seeing is believing. And trying is even better. Our cosmonauts tried on Sokol rescue spacesuits cosmonauts wear during launch and landing of Soyuz TMA-M spacecraft. By the way it was the ladies who were especially pleased with this training.

The participants also passed an endurance test in vestibular training laboratory where the task was not only to demonstrate good physical capacity but the intelligence as well solving logical tasks in the course of the training.

Inside Mir space station the crews studied cosmonauts’ life and daily routine on the orbit and made video clips addressing extraterrestrial intelligence.

Since the cosmonauts not only fly to space and live onboard the ISS but also perform spacewalks there is a unique facility – Hydrolaboratory – for practicing extravehicular activities in GCTC that our guests visited as well.

Naturally cosmonauts’ busy schedule stipulates the time for meals, since it is not so easy to have a lunch in space as it may seem. With the help of special simulator our crews learned to cook space food and then were very glad to taste it.

For our guests to evaluate the scale of unique Centrifuge TsF-18 designed to train cosmonauts for working under conditions of real G-loads we arranged demonstration rotation of the centrifuge.

Our participants gladly passed all the trainings with great interest and showing good sense of humor, got marks from the instructors, gained unusual skills and knowledge and that all united the crews and set a great mood.

At the end of the program the guests met with Hero of Russia cosmonaut Sergey Volkov who answered their questions, shared his orbit experience with them and congratulated them on their first successful steps in space trainings.

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Baikonur tour – Soyuz MS-25 launch

Baikonur tour – Soyuz MS-25 launch

76 photos

We invite you to see the photo report about our trip to Baikonur in March 2024.

Baikonur tour – Progress MS-26 launch

Baikonur tour – Progress MS-26 launch

72 photos

We invite you to see the photo report about our trip to Baikonur in February 2024.

Baikonur tour – Progress MS-23 launch

20 photos

We invite you to see the photo report about our trip to Baikonur in May 2023.

Autumn flight season

40 photos

Summer is over, but there is no reason to be sad, because autumn is a time of new ideas, big plans and interesting adventures!

Zero-g adventure

Zero-g adventure

20 photos

A hot day at the end of summer brought together in Star City the fans of incredible adventures who chose the most unique experience –zero-g flight. This is a feeling like nothing else, this is a real weightlessness, which is experienced only by astronauts on the ISS and passengers of our special aircraft IL-76 MDK!