The ISS Russian Segment simulator

No doubt that a lot of us have heard about the International Space Station, that it flies around the Earth and astronauts live there during their long-term missions to space.
To get to know from the first source how they really live and work onboard the ISS, to learn the interior of the Station – this will be the most interesting and outstanding experience which can be gained at the Cosmonaut’s training center.
Before flying to space cosmonauts have to spend hours and hours to practice all the skills acquired during the theoretical classes. Exactly for this purpose all the simulators of the Space center are made as full size replicas and practically don’t have any differences from the original ISS. This means that you will see the real copy of the ISS Russian Segment and will be able to explore not only its exterior but also the interior! There are all the necessary things which astronauts need in space to live and work present: the flight control point, a lot of different systems providing the station’s functioning, a space table for meals, crew quarters and even a space toilet.

So, choosing the class on the complex simulator you will feel like real astronauts onboard the ISS and learn about the design and layout of the Russian Segment. Russian Segment is designed for crews’ training for the space flight program onboard the ISS before going to space. Zvezda service module is the basic module of the Russian Segment of the ISS. It can provide activity for a crew of about 6 people and control of the station with permanently changing configuration. At the stage of the ISS building it has been the most important place in the station for life and work of astronauts onboard. It’s the most complicated and technically equipped Russian module of the ISS.
Exactly here astronauts go through complex examinational simulations before going to Baikonur and flying to space.
Take your chance to become a “space flight” participant onboard the International Space Station!

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