Soyuz-TMA spacecraft complex simulator

Everyone of us has had a dream in childhood to fly to space one time at least. This dream doesn’t seem to be so unreal as it seems for the first sight. Our specialists will help you to plunge into the world of real astronauts and to learn how the spacecraft looks like and how it operates, Note that this spacecraft is used not only by Russians but also by astronauts from all over the world.
Nowadays each of us has a great opportunity to feel like a real astronaut, but also to fulfill the dream to fly, as all the simulators are complicated full size replicas, created with using of the real mockups of Soyuz spacecraft’s habitual compartments.

A simulator can provide simulation of the work of all onboard systems and motion of the spacecraft, as well as the visual observation of everything what can be seen by astronauts through the windows or visual sight (the periscope) inside the decent module of the spacecraft. If you order a complex simulation in the Soyuz spacecraft our leading specialists and GCTC instructors will make a full training for you on the following space flight activities:
- Simulation of the flight in the real and accelerated time scale (1:1/2:1/4:1/10:1);
- Simulation of the off-nominal situations on all space craft systems in both manual and automatic modes;
- Monitoring of the crew work using TV and voice communication systems;
- Video recording of the training process;
- Simulation of the full space flight in real time scale.
Soyuz spacecraft complex simulators are designed for training of the space crews to piloting of the spacecraft on all the flight stages:
- Prelaunch preparation of the spacecraft;
- Insertion to the orbit;
- Orbital maneuvering;
- Approaching and docking, joint flight with the ISS;
- Undocking from the ISS;
- Reentry from the orbit;
- Landing and final operations after landing.
+7 (495) 506-32-23
+7 (495) 662-45-99
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